Professional Air Combos Tournament 13
Results of PACT13:
Results of IACT2021:
Joran Engelen vs Calvin Carruthers vs Stasyan vs Leja |
Daro vs BattlStorM vs Go Robert vs Luis Venancio |
Final videos (PACT13)
Joran Engelen
Calvin Carruthers
Final videos (IACT2021)
Go Robert
Luis Venancio
Decision of the judges on final round:
PACT13 | CHERNY | Iliyan | Wael Riman | Luca | Jose Gabriel |
1st place | Calvin Carruthers | Calvin Carruthers | Calvin Carruthers | Calvin Carruthers | Calvin Carruthers |
2nd place | Joran Engelen | Stasyan | Joran Engelen | Joran Engelen | Joran Engelen |
3rd place | Stasyan | Joran Engelen | Leja | Stasyan | Stasyan |
4th place | Leja | Leja | Stasyan | Leja | Leja |
IACT2021 | CHERNY | Iliyan | Wael Riman | Luca | Jose Gabriel |
1st place | Go Robert | Go Robert | Daro | Go Robert | Go Robert |
2nd place | Daro | Daro | BattlStorM | Luis Venancio | BattlStorM |
3rd place | BattlStorM | BattlStorM | Luis Venancio | Daro | Luis Venancio |
4th place | Luis Venancio | Luis Venancio | Go Robert | BattlStorM | Daro |
Большое спасибо всем финалистам PACT13 и IACT2021 за то, что несмотря на травмы, болезни и различные жизненные невзгоды, вы дошли этот путь до самого конца, загрузив свои финальные видео.
Первым делом хотелось бы отметить, что многие из вас неправильно трактуют пункт про максимальную длительность видео. 4 минуты это верхняя граница, и по факту вы можете снять 2,5/3/3,5/4 минуты – как захотите. В чем неправильность трактовки? В том, что вы, ориентируясь на максимальную продолжительность видео, начинаете заниматься дублирование и/или забиванием эфира кадрами с 20-50% от вашего максимума (это приемлемо, но только в случае, елси вы это делаете уникальным способом, который до вас никто не рискнул сделать). Это может значительно снизить цельность вашего видео. Умение работать со структурой кадров и выжимать весь потенциал из того набора трюков, который есть, избегая дублирование уровня, является одним из важных качеств для топового фристайлера в рамках онлайн-турнира.
Пример того, о чем я говорю: Stasyan делает htlatw ahtatw ahmatw combo cross ahtatw nt, и спустя несколько кадров patw 2 ahmatw combo cross rsatw nt. Этот кадр, абсолютно не раскрывает ни патв, ни селенную рисунков взрывных комб из 2-3 оборотных трюков, в которой Stasyan прекрасен.
Чистота, исполнение и общий уровень у Leja достаточно образцовые! К моему сожалению, из всех финалистов PACT13 у Leja финал вышел самым слабым из-за наименьшего количества грамотно составленных кадров. Структуры комбинаций в основном “тренировочные”, цельность которых бывает разбита желанием продолжить и добавить в конце комбо ещё один matw nt. Имея такой мощный фундамент в каждом из подстилей (1,5 rev nt, 2rev nt, 3 revs) и понимая необходимость перехода от классических линейных структур, Leja может сделать довольно солидный качественный рывок в своем фристайле уже в ближайшее время. Сейчас чуда не случилось, увы.
В то время как у Leja было наименьшее количество грамотных структур, у Calvin их было наибольшее количество. Calvin, кстати, истинно двуногий фристайлер, у которого образцовое исполнение abbas движений и широкий арсенал в других подстилях, что позволяет ему легче и с бо́льшим успехом ориентироваться при конструировании неповторимых кадров .
Благодаря этому он спокойно справляется с победой в турнире, выдав несколько бэнгеров. Возможно, пора задуматься над 360° направлением – областью, которая добавит ещё больше перчика фристайлу.
У Stasyan самая разбитая цельность его потрясающего фристайла из-за большого количества дублирования и “тренировочных” кадров. Возникли вопросы к исполнению в некоторых местах на ahmatw и hmatw. Кадры с плотной и точечной выжимкой уровня, такие как микс Stasyan из нескольких подстилей (lebs/2revs/3revs), должны быть ядром фристайла Stasyan в финале, а не редким гостем.
Во фристайле было многое, но не было тебя. Joran это глоток свежего воздуха в nt и некой новизне фристайла. Ошеломительная концовка видео. Образцовая вера в свой собственный путь. Имеются вопросы к исполнению patw. Для победы не хватило чуть большего количества того, что мы увидели в концовке видео. Как и Calvin рекомендую задуматься над 360° направлением в abbas движениях.
IACT 2021
Несмотря на сильный уровень в nt, 3revs, alt2revs большинство трюков сделаны нечисто и имеют меньший вес. Очень большое количество линейных структур ,”тренировочных” кадров и дублирования уже сделанных комбинаций. Необходимо поработать над чистотой исполнения трюков и прогрессировать в умении раскрывать свой уровень полноценно.
Очень схожая песня с Luis. Но исполнение трюков лучше, хотя вопросы имеются к первому обороту на satw иногда, соответственно и ко второму обороту skatw (обычно если оборот на уровне груди), и даже в паре мест к зацепу на magellan.
Приличное количество дублирования кадров, неизобретательные комбинации в плане структур (в мире видимо осталась только Skora nt) с непонятным желанием вставить в 7161617163 раз amatw matw nt в конце комбо, и необоснованное игнорирование правила о максимальной продолжительности видео, к сожалению, не дают и малейшего шанса поставить на место выше 3.
Если быть честным, у Daro из всех финалистов iact2021 в плане трюковой сложности самое слабое видео. Но попытки и реализация структурирования отдельных кадров гораздо выше за счёт вариативности. Ещё хочется отметить стиль исполнения nt, из всех финалистов iact2021 это было образцово.
Потрясающий амбидекстер. Есть вопросы к исполнению szatw и japa. Постарался задействовать все подстили классических lowers. И обошел Daro за счёт солидного преимущества в трюковой сложности. Но над исполнением упомянутых трюков надо работать, как и над исполнением nt. Структурирование кадров тоже сыроватое и требует doraботки.
Really special final this year, because there was no big stars like Luca and Timur, and every finalist got a chance to win because each of them had different styles and different strong category, so it was hard to judge but really interesting.
4th Place : Leja
You ve made a great job to get into the final, but the level comparing with the other stages was lower, you used to much “training” clips, you missed to much short and constructed combos, in many combos of this video you putted random matws nt that really damaged the level of the combo, but of course that you had a good variety in combos because you almost picked all the categories but as I said was better to try focus in short constructions and not random long combos, I was expecting something equal with “New Mind” video level, but it was far away, never the less was insane to see you during this Pact, hope to see you next year more stronger.
3rd Place : Joran
So good progress this year, you opened your own universe in lowers with lebs/rlebs, is always a pleasure to see new combinations when you involve these kind of tricks, was really hard to pick the second and third place between you and Stasyan, because you and him are so different in styles, I was even expecting that you will win that final, after your top 16 and 8 battles, you breaked to much limits and the power and energy of the video was on another level, this stage was more 50/50 because you putted a lot of unnecessary combos that are not strong for final like 2 armgtatws and the 2 pairs arlebs/arbecks sf/wf, I think that with your level you are able to land 4 pairs arlebs/arbecks sf/wf , instead of 2, so what I mean is that you not tried the maximum in your combos, ive seen the full level in the last combo with htrleb-lotar nt , or the 3 htrlebs in combo, but this was not enough, another thing that you missing is the classic Nts, because I always see you using only the matw nt sf or mgmatw sf, with your potential and skill with wf/sf you can go really far from others in sick3 short nt combinations as an example, big respect to you that you bring us combination with the right execution on becks and stuff like that, always with the airmotion technique and both legs this is really world class, so I hope that you understand your mistakes and next year we see you as a winner of PACT, you have all the changes to make it.
2nd Place : Stasyan
So with a small margin from Joran, Stasyan takes the second place, the energy in the video was really awesome, his 2revs and the WF level is too high, one of the best in the world in that aspect, but as Joran, Stasyan had the same problem of putting unnecessary combos in the video like the NT clips (co rsatw nt combo co rsatw nt or satw-co-aht nt), I think that was better to integrate the NTS in your consecutive 2 revs like you do with lebs/becks and 3 revs, for example doing 8,9 consecutive 2revs ending with cross-rsatw nt it will look something near to the final level of PACT, big point that helped you to get the second place is that you are able to mix many categories in one combo, like you can start with some lebioda 2revs put in the middle 3,4 consecutive 2revs and end that with 3revs, that’s a big skill actually, because nowadays is rare to see it and with wf/sf mixed that all, hope to see the integrations of some interesting combos with NTs and 2revs together.
1st Place : Calvin
Truly one of the most stronger competitor from the beginning of PACT, Calvin is that type of freestyler who can create combos around one category and turn his lowers really strong and variative, was good to see you with new patterns in combos, using less skora/Emmanuel patterns, so here is a clearly win, you picked almost all the categories and even mixed with WF, one small mistake was the combos with arbeck tatw/matw separated in combos, they really disbalanced a little bit the overall of your level, maybe was better to try mix them with a big quantity of becks/lebs, as an example : leb-beck-leb-arleb-arbeck-beck so put it in some mid combo, by the way picking in overall, the video was really great, all combos there were been good constructed and finished, fair win, congrats.
4th Place : Luis Venacio
So hard level in your combos, in terms of difficulty, you are the strongest here, but your level gets damaged by the execution and cleanliness, as I said you need to focus more on the basement and fundamental parts before trying big tricks like skmatw or ematw, you skipped it and you see the result, so I think that in the future you will take my words seriously and work on your mistakes and weak sides, that will help you a lot if you will start to fix the things in your lowers, good luck on it.
3rd Place : BattleStorm
Would be insane if here was an opportunity to put you on 3rd and 2nd place because it fits perfectly with your age))), but if we talk seriously, you have to much energy in your combos, really unstoppable power, but as I said in other stages you picked every time the same tricks and the connections are very similar, like you always put a random amatw-matw nt or mgmatw is bluntly in my opinion, it really destroys the vision of a combo, maybe if you tried some new tricks and diversional constructions you would take the second place, but big respect that you still competing in online and live competitions.
2nd Place : Daro
Was really tight decision between you and Go Robert to choose a winner, so good variety and great ideas, its always enjoyable to watch your lowers, to much variations with a great diversity in each combo, but you missed a difficulty on your combos to reply to Robert, because here is a professional tournament and you need to give your 100% of the level and not about 60/70, I know that you are able to do more than that with your quality and quantity of skill and technique, so for now its only 2nd place
1st Place : Go Robert
Winner for me for giving us the atmosphere of Venice Beach in your combos with the sunglasses and the smart preparation with Rubik’s cube))), just joking, so good variety what is really important nowadays, the WF level is really high and of course the difficulty in combos is higher than your opponents one, liked so much that you picked many categories in your clips, so if we comparing with Daro in that all aspects you won, but in terms of execution you lose and you need to work on it, because there is a few clips where the revs are cuted and unclean, so please pay attention and fix it, its really important in competitions like that, we watch all the details in combos and many times, but in overall , clearly win , because you really pushed your own limits more harder than another guys and we see the result, congrats.
Wael Riman:
Amazing style and excellent execution on all tricks, nts, 2 revs…, etc. Great Variety and usage of the weak foot. Great uniqueness. Good level on not touch. The last combos were amazing, Alternative ak move, Alebtatw satw arlebatw.., etc amazing style and execution, Cleanest among all IACT Competitors. Great Idea especially the last combos. Uniqueness no repetition, which makes every second of the video enjoyable. Well-structured combos.
Go Robert:
Smooth style on Long Combos and 3 revs (7/10). Great Variety of 3 revs. Execution on Matws is bendy but other than that acceptable level on no touch. Szatw on both feet should be fixed but we can’t neglect the variety of 3 revs in that video. What made Daro video special is the variety of combos and that there’s no repetition of combos here in most of the video doing old traditional freestyle combos I’m not saying that these combos aren’t hard but its starting to get boring to see all combos being repeated all over again, Think outside the box.
Should work on style, 4/10 style. We can’t neglect the fact that there are hard, strong combos like Skora nt *2, mgmatw ahmt nt.. etc. He showed better variety in respect to gorobert where he has done all round lowers, nts, 3 revs, abbas, 2 revs combination.., etc, nice variety. Acceptable usage of weak foot, definitely needs to work more on weak foot. Great level on no touch, the best level in no touch in IACT.
Some tricks weren’t clean should work on cleanliness cause that’s the whole point of lower. In general, high level but should work on style and cleanliness some revs are missing in tricks.
Battle storm
Good style (6/10 ). Good nt level, matw weak foot needs some work cause it bendy but overall good no touch level. Very strong combos like bpalleatw weak to strong, Skora nt type palle trick.., etc. Great, unique, good usage of wf in combination, for example, hhmatw hhatw bmgatw, mgatw satw mgatw mgatw ahmatw ahtatw haatw. Enjoyed Battlestorm video. Strong video. Good level on 3 revs, no touch, abbas nt.., etc. Should work on mgmatw and nt cleanliness in the weak foot. Well-structured combos.
1. Dora (Why Dora? Cause lowers is about cleanliness or execution, style, variety, uniqueness, and Difficulty from a standpoint of view.
2. BattleStorm
3. Luis
4. Go Robert
1. Calvin combos are outstanding, many of the combos that have been in that video won’t be done again. The amount of weak foot usage, the combinations have done with both feet is phenomenal. Calvin nt is also unique and hard. The combination of aatw nt in and out is outstanding. Calvin has created a whole new style in freestyle, which is very hard, unique, and underestimated by many. He created history, a whole new category. I believe that you won PACT and you deserve it!!
2. Joran has improved drastically in freestyle. His aatw nt inside level is the best out there and no one in the meantime can compete with his level. he has been unique and creative with his combos, especially the last combo that was outstanding. You are unique and creative in your own and style. 4* bmgatw, co abatw nt, use of alternatives arbatw and arlebatw, all these combos are outstanding. After the end of every combo, there’s a different structure of combo which makes every second of joran and calvin video exciting to watch and you should rewatch both videos to understand the structure of each combo separately “ uniqueness and creativity same applies for calvin “
3. Leja, Style, execution and cleanliness couldn’t get any better, he’s the best in all 3 aspects. Great variety and level on NT. The last combo skora nt type co Aht is amazing. Great level on 3 revs and good variety, but from a personal standpoint of view, I believe Leja could have done way better since has shown higher level combos in previous videos.
4. Stasyan, among the world’s best alternative freestylers. Very hard level on alternatives but the structure of combos is repetitive. Should focus more on variety and uniqueness. Monta ball from a personal standpoint of view should be reconsidered as Luca stated previously “power combos with Monta require a lot less power to make “. Great level on weak foot in alternatives but also should focus on other aspects, like what Calvin provided a great combination of weak foot In his video. Overall, great level in the stuff that he does.
High level in the 3rev variations, 2revs (mostly alternative) and NT combos.
The flow can be improved a lot in many tricks, as well as the cleanness.
There were no big wf tricks, but still something.
Very interesting combos with the use of both legs, connecting tricks in particular ways.
Weak foot indeed good, style is great, there isn’t an extreme level in any area but this type of freestyle is so enjoyable to watch.
Variety is wide here and it’s difficult to develop weak and strong in this way, rather than focusing on less areas and tricks. There isn’t even a lot of
3rev, just Alt Ak, but the rest makes up for it.
Good level mostly in Skala related tricks (Magellans, Palle trick, Ahmatws, Satws…) and some use of weak foot too, nothing extreme
but it is there. Not many power combos, rather tricks are connected either with an Alternative after or with Abbas mostly, which makes
the combos longer but easier to save.
So much balance between weak and strong, it’s so rare to see in the same video all 4 Patws, out and in with both legs.
Apart from weak foot variety is looking very good too, there is literally everything. 2rev, 3rev, NT, other variations with Becks and Leb on both feet.
Nice flow too with a quick paced style, enjoyable to watch and nothing to say.
Surely my favourite video and the one that deserves the win the most.
My results:
WINNER = Go Robert
2nd Place = Luis Venancio
3rd Place = Daro
4th Place = Battlstorm
Joran: in terms of novelty and hard tricks he was the best without a doubt, with several things done for the first time ever. The NT area is mostly focused on abbas, but there is great control in mitch/touzani tricks too. Most of Joran’s tricks look effortless and style is very enjoyable. Anyway, the video is a whole minute less than it should be.
Calvin: the best in terms of variety, the tricks are not the most difficult but the way they are connected together is unpredictable and difficult to replicate. Most of the video is about Beck/Leb variations, but there is also use of half2rev, Abbas2rev, and some well executed 3rev variations too. Very good and patient work on weak foot tricks as well.
Stasyan: again very good job on the 2rev / alt2rev combos, surely the highest level here in those. Some weak foot action too, mainly with Mg/Beck/Leb tricks and 3rev variations like Skatw, and Patw combo too. Everything is done with Monta, for this kind of combos it makes quite a difference in my opinion.
Leja: most classic type of lowers in this final. Good NT level in Amatw and Atatws, best one in here for sure in alt2rev/2rev NT. Also some 3rev combos with some variations (beckPatw, Ematw..), anyway no real shockers in the video.
My results:
1 – Calvin
2 – Joran
3 – Stasyan
4 – Leja
Jose Gabriel:
Pact 13 Final
4. Leja
Showed a video worthy of a final, he probably had the best nts together with calvin, but he had little use of his weak foot, besides uncontrolled combos and some unclean tricks like pmatw, for this reason he is fourth place
3. Stasyan
An impressive level at 2 revs, but it didn’t do nts and in my opinion it’s a fundamental part of the lower. I also consider that despite making very difficult combos of 2 revolutions and a high level in weak foot, in general, the video contains very similar combos, showing little variety in the complete video, for this reason it deserves the third place.
2. Joran
I consider that he is taking the aatw in level to another level, despite the 3 min length of his video he showed a lot of level, beating Stasyan and Leja. It showed less or no nts (amatw, atatw, taatw maatw, etc), and I don’t mean consecutive aatw. Good variations of aatw and reverse beck, and good use of weak foot. I consider that he lacked showing more tricks out with both feet, most of his video was tricks in, for these reasons he deserves the 2 place
1. Calvin
I consider Calvin to be an underrated freestyler and they don’t appreciate the difficulty of each of his combos. He showed a higher variety of nts than his rivals although in less quantity than Leja (matw, tatw, atatw, taatw, maatw with both feet). Despite performing few 3 rev tricks (people think a high lower is only 3 rev) he made up for this with the greater variety in 2 rev tricks with both feet (htatw, latw, hmatw, hjatw, rhjatw). His style of tricks like beck, lebatw, rlebatw is very similar to Joran’s, but Calvin showed more complete combos including in and out tricks, and most of Joran’s combos were in. He showed consecutive 2-rev combos, then basic combos and returned to performing consecutive 2-rev tricks, this shows a very good resistance that is something very difficult to have. He also showed very good control in all his combos, rarely did the ball get away from his control. For these reasons Calvin deserves the first place
Final IACT
4. Daro
Daro had good cleanliness and control in all his combos, regular use of his weak foot, but the difficulty of all his combos was less compared to his rivals, as well as performing alt 2 rev in the wrong way (such as cross over ) for these reasons has the fourth place.
3. Luis venancio
It was a difficult decision to choose third place, since despite showing a good level in the full video, some tricks such as eatw, skatw, alatws and ahmatw, were poorly performed. His combos showed less control compared to Robert and Battlestorm. He also did some unfinished combos. He had less use of weak foot and some nts were unclean. For these reasons it deserves third place.
2. Battlestorm
A difficult decision against Robert. Battlestorm had a video showing cleanliness and control in their combos. In my opinion he was the best in nts than his rivals, but despite this, I consider that compared to Robert, his tricks and combos were a little less difficult. He showed a complete video but with few 3 rev tricks, and this in an international final I think is also very important. The length of his video was 4:37, so I don’t rate the remaining 37 seconds. His weak foot was inferior to Robert’s and for these reasons he is second place.
1. Robert
His video was very complete. He showed variety and difficulty with a strong foot and a weak foot, and this is fundamental for the lower. He did 2 and 3 rev in and out tricks with both feet and this is a very difficult thing to do, Battlestorm did not. It showed fewer nts and some dirty 3 rev tricks, so I did not count the dirty tricks performed, but removing these tricks for me was the best video. He had stronger points than others, but in general I consider that his video was the most complete in everything that is lower, for these reasons he deserves the first place
1/4 finals (PACT13):
Кondzio | vs | Joran Engelen |
Calvin Carruthers | vs | Sergio Sánchez |
Stasyan | vs | Ornelas |
Leja | vs | Nicolas |
1/4 finals (IACT2021):
Shota | vs | Daro |
BattlStorM | vs | Tadeo FS |
Go Robert | vs | Andrey_aka_serega |
Luis Venancio | vs | Younes |
Videos for 1/4 finals (PACT13)
Calvin Carruthers
Joran Engelen
Sergio Sánchez
The freestyler
didn't make a video.
The freestyler
didn't make a video.
The freestyler
didn't make a video.
Videos for 1/4 finals (IACT2021)
Go Robert
Luis Venancio
Tadeo FS
Decision of the judges on 1/4 finals:
CHERNY | Iliyan | Wael Riman | Luca | Jose Gabriel |
Calvin Carruthers | Calvin Carruthers | Calvin Carruthers | Calvin Carruthers | Calvin Carruthers |
Daro | Daro | Daro | Daro | Shota |
BattlStorM | BattlStorM | BattlStorM | BattlStorM | BattlStorM |
Go Robert | Go Robert | Go Robert | Go Robert | Go Robert |
Luis Venancio | Luis Venancio | Luis Venancio | Luis Venancio | Luis Venancio |
Insane in Aatw NT variarions as usual, super technical combinations with many touches of the ball. Fresh stuff, love the beck combos in both feet and nice improvement in the 2rev area as well, not to mention arbskatw and htrlebs
High level in 3rev variations and quick style, more extreme tricks but overall less complicated combos, with no particular use of weak.
Winner: CALVIN
Good level mostly in classic NTs and alt 2revs, a big improvement should be done on the matw/amatw nt that is bendy most of the times, better keep leg straight and not bend knee early. Apart from the Cross style in 1.5rev the video was enjoyable!
Very good use of both feet with both inside and outside variations, combos become unpredictable and you never know what he is going to do next, really like this type of freestyle. Loads of variety, good job style & control most of times.
Winner: DARO
Good level in different areas, nt combos 2rev tricks and some magellan and 3rev action too. No particular use of weak foot, but still more than opponent and more structured combos
Mostly strong foot combos, not a sick variety but still working on different areas, doesnt seem like there is a particular focus on one area, nice 2 sk in combo. With more work on weak foot and more in/out balance it can get more interesting.
Love that freestyle, so much balance between weak and strong with impressive surprises, for example perfect patw wf. Very interesting use of tricks in combos, sometimes even weird ideas but turning out to be very good. Very good style and control, looks like a Southamerican Tokura mixed with EVG style. Accurate I guess.
Good job on the variety, pushing level in many aspects. Less surprise effect and more expectable combos, Monta makes certain things easier and I would suggest trying with size5 for some period to improve the control and style in certain things. Interesting mix of tricks nonetheless!
Big disbalance in the use of legs, most of non alternative tricks are done with strong foot, if not all. Anyway, impressive cleanness in all combinations, especially Latw/Alatw related but really in general all tricks. Love the style, I think a good progress can be achieved in the flow and coordination, at times combos look a bit forced or looks like you could do more if you went a bit more relaxed on the combo, and a lot will help to practice weak foot tricks to bring in a new balance. It’s very important, otherwise you can create some disbalance even in terms of posture, have less usable tricks and lose coordination! But as I said, squeaky clean.
I think this guy made incredible progress in terms of style and cleanness of tricks, especially with 3revs.. clean most of the time, very little imperfections but could improve a lot on the flow of tricks especially Htws. I can feel the disbalance of the video just watching the clips, so much right foot and yes there are some weak tricks but always alternative, with some normal (non alternative) 2revs and even 1.5, starting with Easy stuff, bringing those into the game would make a huge difference even visually in my opinion! Good work anyway impressed with the style change!
Difficulty – Calvin
WF – Calvin
Variety – Calvin
Diversity – Tie
Control – Calvin
Execution – Calvin
Individuality – Calvin
EXPLANATION : Big mistake by Sergio in this round, he tried to reply to much with Calvin type combos, it was not the best idea, if you trying to reply to your opponent using his strong sides, you need to overplay with the combos, and I don’t seen that, as an example we can see you doing 5 becks and Calvin 11 ending with ahtatw nt, maybe was better to create some combos with tricks that you can do easily and solid and of course in diversional ways, by using many categories in one combo, about Calvin you have everything to create even more interesting ideas and new patters, your weak part is using the skora version in almost all the combos, just create your own patterns not only in that way.
Difficulty – Shota
WF – Daro
Variety – Daro
Diversity – Tie
Control – Tie
Execution – Tie
Individuality – Tie
EXPLANATION: Shota good potential in lowers, but the biggest problem here is that you only focus on speed and not on the execution and techniques, I understand that you want to show surprises and get fast progress, but this really damage your lowers, pay attention to it, Daro many great combos with balances with both legs, and great ligaments with ideas between them, but you not ending the big part of your combinations, fix it please, it will really contribute in the next stages.
Go Robert- Andrey Aka
Difficulty – Go Robert
WF – Go Robert
Variety – Go Robert
Diversity – Tie
Control – Tie
Execution – Andrey Aka
Individuality – Tie
EXPLANATION: Really different styles in this battle, Go Robert was more variative and with powerful WF since the beginning of the competition, but sometimes the execution of tricks is quite bad, for example I don’t understand you putting hhmatw in the middle of nts, its better to try classic NT and upgrade them first or opposite ones, Andrey Aka, strong combos as well but always the same tricks or segment of combos, you need to change your mind and try new things, because you keep focusing on the same, so the level is not growing up, maybe in some tricks you turning strong but in overall still a lot of work to do.
Difficulty – Battlstorm
WF – Battlstorm
Variety – Battlstorm
Diversity – Battlstorm
Control – Battlstorm
Execution – Battlstorm
Individuality – Tie
EXPLANATION: About Battlstorm good execution on combos you always trying to end them and put completed combos, but I hope to see more diversity on them not only maggelans, ahms and matw nts, I want to see some new openings in them with new tricks mixed with the old ones , it will be great, Tadeo you have really good speed and style, but you not organized in your combos, you put a lot of not ended combos, so its better to work on it , constructions are really important.
Luis Venacio – Younes
Difficulty – Luis Venacio
WF – Luis Venacio
Variety – Luis Venacio
Diversity – Luis Venacio
Control – Luis Venacio
Execution – Luis Venacio
Individuality – Tie
EXPLANATION: Younes better round than the last one, you focused on new combos and tried to involve new tricks in your combos , respect for it, I recommend to you , to train more 2revs but with WF to do some mixes in balances it will really strong and you will grown faster in level, Luis really different level and ive seen more variety, so keep going in that way , but work and pay attention to the execution and cleanliness.
1/8 finals (PACT13):
Кondzio | vs | ISRRAEL |
Calvin Carruthers | vs | Maximasifs |
Oliver | vs | MP |
Leja | vs | Ardit |
Nicolas | vs | ANTO SANZ |
Ornelas | vs | Akrisha |
Sergio Sánchez | vs | Stasyan (Wild card) |
Joran Engelen | vs | Hinata |
1/8 finals (IACT2021):
Shota vs Hyuga vs Danoboss |
BattlStorM vs Andrey_aka_serega vs Tomasfreestyle |
Go Robert vs Tadeo FS vs Younes (Wild card) |
Luis Venancio vs Daro vs Iker vs LUIGI SEGURA |
Videos for 1/8 finals (PACT13)
Calvin Carruthers
Sergio Sánchez
Joran Engelen
The freestyler
didn't make a video.
The freestyler
didn't make a video.
The freestyler
didn't make a video.
Videos for 1/8 finals (IACT2021)
The freestyler
didn't make a video.
The freestyler
didn't make a video.
The freestyler
didn't make a video.
Go Robert
Tadeo FS
Luis Venancio
The freestyler
didn't make a video.
The freestyler
didn't make a video.
Decision of the judges on 1/8 finals:
CHERNY | Iliyan | Wael Riman | Luca | Jose Gabriel |
Кondzio | Кondzio | Кondzio | Кondzio | Кondzio |
Calvin Carruthers | Calvin Carruthers | Calvin Carruthers | Calvin Carruthers | Calvin Carruthers |
Leja | Leja | Leja | Leja | Leja |
Ornelas | Ornelas | Ornelas | Akrisha | Ornelas |
Stasyan | Stasyan | Sergio Sánchez | Sergio Sánchez | Sergio Sánchez |
Joran Engelen | Joran Engelen | Joran Engelen | Joran Engelen | Joran Engelen |
1. BattlStorM 2. Andrey_aka_serega | 1. BattlStorM 2. Andrey_aka_serega | 1. BattlStorM 2. Andrey_aka_serega | 1. BattlStorM 2. Andrey_aka_serega | 1. BattlStorM 2. Andrey_aka_serega |
1. Go Robert 2. Tadeo FS 3. Younes | 1. Go Robert 2. Tadeo FS 3. Younes | 1. Go Robert 2. Tadeo FS 3. Younes | 1. Go Robert 2. Tadeo FS 3. Younes | 1. Go Robert 2. Tadeo FS 3. Younes |
1. Luis Venancio 2. Daro | 1. Daro 2. Luis Venancio | 1. Daro 2. Luis Venancio | 1. Luis Venancio 2. Daro | 1. Luis Venancio 2. Daro |
Wild card: Stasyan | Wild card: Stasyan | Wild card: Hinata | Wild card: Hinata | Wild card: Stasyan |
1. Battlstorm 2. aka serega
1. Go Robert 2. Tadeo 3 YouneS
1. Luis 2. Daro
Wild card: Stasyan
Kondzio, Calvin, Leja, Ornelas, Stasyan, Joran
1. Battlstorm 2. aka serega
1. Go Robert 2. Tadeo 3 YouneS
1. Daro 2. Luis Venancio
Wild card: Stasyan
Difficulty : Kondzio
WF : Kondzio
Variety : Kondzio
Diversity : Kondzio
Control : Isrrael
Execution : Kondzio
Individuality : Tie
Explanation: Isrrael you demonstrated a great progress since last two years of IACT, you changed, and start to be more professional, what I mean is that you started to pay more attention to your lowers, especially on the execution, you always ended your combos in qualification and top 16, which is a big point, that you starting to understand what is professional competition, your control on combos is way much better than last years, but you had weak points as well in this stage – example of your first combo when you done htlatw combo patw combo, and after you done a lot of unnecessary tricks and you lost a lot of seconds there, trying to put skala or amatw-aht nt and it turned into a training clip, pay attention to the zatw (last rev), you have a lot of power and talent but you need to improve more the ideas, not only do records of Nts or 3revs in combo but be more concentrated in short combos with great construction, so this round takes Kondzio, he was more variative, big difficulty almost in all combos, the weak foot level is really high, great Aiatw, but like Isrrael your first combo was not ended and was more like a training clip, so in the next stage try to avoid that clips.
Difficulty : Calvin
WF : Calvin
Variety : Calvin
Diversity : Calvin
Control : Calvin
Execution : Calvin
Individuality : Calvin
Explanation: Calvin used a great tactic and strategy to win this battle, he was not focused to win this battle by doing hardcore and show his full level on his strong points with becks,lebs…, the focus was on Maxi’s level, I will explain why, as we know Maxi started to train really serious NTs, but the big mistake of Maxi is that he always use one structure ( Almost Skora Nt or Skora Nt) and Calvin cached him on it by doing skora nt in 4 different ways (maatws,taatws,wf amatws,atatws), so it was a great and smart answer by Calvin.
About execution, both players have a great cleanliness on tricks but Maxi not ended a few combos so Calvin definitely takes it, other big mistake of Maxi was doing long combos putting satws,almatws…, was not a good decision to do it against the opponent who shows strong short constructions, your last combo with consecutive 2revs was really good and I don’t understand why only one clip with that type of combos, you are really strong in this area, maybe was better to focus on consecutive 2revs especially alternatives 2revs to respond to your opponent and create the intrigue of battle.
Difficulty : Leja
WF : Ardit
Variety : Leja
Diversity : Ardit
Control : Leja
Execution : Tie
Individuality : Tie
Explanation : Great job done by Ardit, first performance in PACT and you showed a big perspective for the future, great level in leb,rbecks both feet you can go really far with them, but I want to see more energy in your videos, as we see you are good at variety, now its time to add to the variety more difficulty, because you have almost every aspect in lowers to be on top in a few years, focus more on your weak aspect like 3revs and NT, if you will be able to put your weak and strong aspects in one combo, it will be a banger.
About Leja, you are so prepared this year, especially in terms of difficulty, you really pushing hard your NTs, but you not changing the pattern of Skora version or if we pick the finalization of your combos its almost always AHT NT, pay attention to that fact, start to do some other patterns as well and end differently the NT combos
Auto : Nicoxdu
Difficulty : Ornelas
WF : Akrisha
Variety : Ornelas
Diversity : Ornelas
Control : Akrisha
Execution : Tie
Individuality : Tie
Explanation : Different methodic of battle by these two guys, because Ornelas is more in hardcore way and focus more on 3revs tricks in combo or 3revs+nts with alt 2 revs nt finalization as an example, Akrisha is more classic freestyler, who tries to do some variations or mix his strong leg with the weak leg.
So I rewatched this battle so many times and with not a big advantage won Ornelas, he not opened his level at 100% its true, he missed so much the 2 consecutive 3revs or some stepping 3revs combos, but we can see that the level especially on difficulty was way more harder than Akrisha’s, the big mistake of Akrisha, he used a lot of training clips for PACT for example the combos with NTS like 8 amatws/matws nt I don’t understand that clips in the professional tournament, maybe was better to replace them for one good mix of tricks like you ve done in 2:22, 3rev-3 2rev- 4nts -alt 2rev – good construction, and if you created more that type of combos you definitely took that round, I want to mention execution of combos as well here because both players had a lot of drops,not ended clips or even cuted tricks, so always pay attention to it, so for now I see Ornelas more perspective and fresh for the next round.
Difficulty : Stasyan
WF : Stasyan
Variety : Sergio
Diversity : Stasyan
Control : Stasyan
Execution : Stasyan
Individuality : Tie
Explanation : The most hyped battle in this stage, two really fast players. Stasyan opened his level really insanely, especially on 2 revs, because he can easily add and integrate other categories like becks or lebs in a bunch of consecutive 2revs, or even patw in the middle of 5 2revs its mental and a big professionalism and readiness for a competition, yes of course he missed Nts or finalization of Nt, if he will improve that category and integrate it as well it will a banger, but in overall it was a good constructed video with a big energy,power and confidence in each combo, even with some extra htw in the end of some combos, it not look so critical.
Sergio is really similar with Stasyan by the speed and sharpness in legs, but so low level in create ideas, even in the first combo when you tried to show some consecutive 2 revs, it was not a good decision to put 11 ahmatws after 4 2revs, because you understand that your opponent can do them mixing at the maximum with both feet, another thing was your finalization and execution, you had some combos without ending or drop like the last one, so that played a big role on that battle, you have a really big arsenal of tricks in your pocket, but you not using them properly, I understand that your combos look hard and powerful but you only using the comfortable tricks (skatw,mgmatw,ahm) to create combo, try to use other vision as well for example : htlatw-alatw-skaatw-ahm-maggelan-skatw, what I mean is to add some unpredictable tricks too in your combos, to be more unreadable and show to people than you not using same patterns or ideas.
Difficulty : Hinata
WF : Joran
Variety : Joran
Diversity : Joran
Control : Hinata
Execution : Joran
Individuality : Joran
Explanation : Hinata really high level on difficulty and how you try to involve variety in your combos with a great sharpness on your legs, but your problem is the execution, I rechecked so many of your clips with ak move or abbas ak move and the revs are not quite good , you need to work on it seriously, for example you can train more htatw nt to improve the cleanliness, and another point what I want to mention is the other side of your lowers, because I only see outstyle in your combos, if you have the opponent who develop both legs and both sides like Joran, its not enough to show only OUT in your clips , you need to be really allround in lowers against him to pass not only show (rbeck) , another big difference between them was the execution of tricks in leb/becks, as we can see Joran made it all with air motion technique and Hinata not, it demonstrates that Joran was more prepared and spent time to get perfect ideas on that category, and the last point that I want to mention was the responses of Joran with beck ak move wf and even beck-rleb ak move wf, great tactic and mentality to win that battle.
Battlstorm – great Belarusian power and stamina, you showing that oldschool still alive and can compete, you showed many categories like NTs, 2revs, 3 rev combo, but your constructions are almost always involved with maggelan and ahmatw, please pick another tricks too, and do different construction of combos, and Nts i want to mention too if you show matws nt with your strong foot, you need to show combos with matws nt with your weak foot as well, to be balanced, like for example – maggelan wf- ahm-ahm-alatw-4 matws nt wf.
Go Robert – The execution of your combos was so good, you ended almost all the combos only the first one was dropped, but you played really safety that round, you not risked like in the qualification, where you show patw out wf for example , in this stage you ve done more training combos, so this was not your maximum, you can do it way much harder, and I want to mention the last combo take a look to the japa atw wf and work on the revs.
Shota – You have so much talent to be on the top level, but the main problem is that you skipped so much the basement, I will explain, for example if we pick your Nts you only have 15-20 % of cleanliness, because your leg goes really bendy and it turns into a unclean matw or amatw nt, why I told skip the basement, its because you not trained a sufficient time the starting Nts like cross-matw nt with both legs , cross amatws nt with both legs, I understand that many freestylers want to have fast progress in lowers , but the basement is the key of your future, and we always need to pay attention to it.
Daro – you improved well this year , and I like to see how you mix the combos with different tricks , your progress in wf is awesome, but on this you dropped or not ended to much combos more than a half of combos , be more prepared in the next stage to not repeat the same mistakes, because you could be even higher after this round , but by the drops I cut some points.
Andrey AKA – big potential in tricks like patw/consecutive latws, they are upgraded, but as many freestylers you not working on your weak side, and by this fact the difficulty and variety goes way down, try to mix more the consecutive 2revs not only doing personal records of latws, try to mix different categories in one combo for example Latw-ahm-almatw-htatw-amatw-amatw-matw nt.
Luis V – You trying to push really high your level like all Latino American freestylers do “hardcore in the blood” to get world class combinations and stuff like that, but many of you completely forget about the execution and cleanliness and many tricks came out unclean or cuted,I understand that you trying to surprise the other freestylers, but its not necessary to jump over the head , firstable you need to get a super confidence, fix and pin certain trick or combo and then show to people or in the online competition, because I noticed cuted revs in ahmatws nt and the last eatw too, so all is in your hands just work on it and you will change.
Tadeo – The control in the combos is so relaxed and the basics look confident, but pay attention to the ending of combos, because many of your combos end with nothing and as I told this is a professional competition, so try always to end the combos and not put rejected or dropped like the last one it was not a good idea, but in overall if you will work on your mistakes you will be in higher places im sure about it.
Younes – Good preparation for that stage in terms of execution , you have a great potential in maggelan in, but your main problem is that you only focused in that, almost a half of combos starts with mgmatw, I understand that is comfortable and you feel confident in that trick, but as I told you need to be allround and open the other sides too, train more stuff with your weak foot, create some combos without basics like ahmatw-amatw-maggelan IN wf -amatw-amatw nt.
Wild card: Hinata
Ridiculous level in all abbas related variations by Calvin, more complex combinations involving the use of non-alternative tricks. Calvin killed it with weak foot here, while Maxi has good style and control on Alternative tricks mostly.
Winner: CALVIN
Sick level in Skala variations by Sergio and in general with 3rev tricks (skm – htl) Use of weak foot is a bit restricted though (mostly alternatives) and the combo variety therefore limited. Very strong combos nonetheless. Stasyan was less powerful in 3rev variations (still very good with 2rev-Patw-alt2 mid power combo), but better weak foot, with weak sk, htl, patw… Better variety in combos with great style and flow, significant use of weak foot implementing 2revs etc… Anyway, power combos with Monta require a lot less power to make, therefore that’s a minus point for difficulty. One of the hardest decisions.
Winner: SERGIO
Quite balanced battle. Better shape and level in 3rev variations by Isrrael, while Kondzio used more weak foot (not too much, but still weak smg combo, Latw in Sk & other few tricks). Higher level and control in NT combos by Isrrael, while variety of Kondzio was better.
Another difficult one. Hinata has a much faster style, which is amazing to watch. Few complicated variations with Skora Move and Ahtatw NT related tricks, not an extreme level in 2rev and NTs, but still difficult combinations with multiple NTs (aatw, atatw nt). Joran has crazy level in Abbas in variations, very hard to repeat 10 opp aatw nt and tricks like htrlebrlebleb. Plus good power on multiple 2revs, with the use of Magellans. Great style, those weak foot tricks are not simple at all.
Winner: JORAN
Good improvement by Ardit, with good use of weak foot, beck and lebs, and 2rev tricks. On the other side Leja overall stronger in NT, 3rev variations and more difficult tricks with controlled style.
Winner: LEJA
Higher level in 3rev variations and short difficult combinations by Ornelas, less control and less stylish combos though. Killer weak foot by Akrisha with 7 Latw out, more fluent combos with good control in all tricks. Higher level in 2revs, less in alt2rev.
Good level in Patw by Andrey, with nice Latws too ( , limited use of weak foot with no particular tricks apart from alatw and couple amatw nt. On the other side, good combo structuring by Battlestorm, with use of both feet and mix of different lower areas (abbastricks, 2rev, magellans, alt2revs). Less level in pure 3rev and less specialization in single area, but more complete lowers by Battlestorm.
3RD: YOUNES Good power in tricks and in general clean style, needs to work a bit on the second revolution of ahtatw (especially NT) but good video and energy, cool style. Not much weak foot, only on alternative tricks.
2ND: TADEO Nice level in alt 2rev tricks and beck variations, cleanly executed. No particular use of weak foot but nice video overall!
1ST: GO ROBERT Good power in combos with fluent style, nice weak foot level with interesting combinations. Some 3rev action too. Not always clean but most of the tricks are. Best variety among these three, enjoyable video for sure!
Much better variety, style and control by Daro, who surprised me with the use of both feet, creating very good looking combos. I feel like he held back a bit, finishing combos when he could have pushed slightly more for a better one. Great freestyler overall for sure. On the other side, worse style and control by Luis but great improvement in level and much higher difficulty of combos – even though few combos of Daro are certainly not comfortable to make. Good work in 3revs and great to see amatw satw nt at the start, Luis needs to work a bit on the flow of combos and the cleanness of moves but he is the winner of this battle.
Wael Riman:
Kondzio, Calvin, Leja, Ornelas, Sergio Sanchez, Joran
Battle storm
Daro ( style, execution, cleanliness, variety, uniqueness !! )
Wild card: Hinata
Jose Gabriel:
Kondzio, Calvin, Leja, Ornelas, Sergio Sanchez, Joran Engelen
Luis Venancio
Wild card: Stasyan
Qualification videos
Go Robert
Tadeo FS
Calvin Carruthers
Joran Engelen
Luis Venancio
Sergio Sánchez
Decision of the judges on qualification round:
1st place – Cup for 1st place
2nd place – Cup for 2nd place
3rd place – Cup for 3rd place
Please send a link to your video here.
Iker Freestyle
Iker – pact 13 qualification
Go Robert
Go Robert – PACT 13 Q
Joran Engelen
Here is my pact 13Q
My pact13 Q
here is my video
Aquí está mi video.
Shota Ogura
please check my video!!
Mi video para la competencia :
My Pact 13 Qualification
I am old but stiil in the game!=)
Anto Sanz
My pact qualification
Stasyan qualification
Tomas portillo
luis venancio
Luis Venancio Pact 13 q
Go Robert
Go Robert – IACT 2021 1/8 Final
Tadeo FS 1/8 FINAL
Pact Top 16
Top 16 Ornelas
luis venancio
Luis Venancio IACT13 1/8
Sergiosanchezfs my top8 against calvin
My Top 8
Younes . Top 8 /IACT
Go Robert
Go Robert – IACT 2021 1/4 Final
Daro iact 13 1/4 vs shota
luis venancio
IACT13 // 1/4 FINALS // vs Younes
Go Robert
Go Robert – FINAL IACT 2021 🔥⚽🏃🏽♂️🇲🇽
Muchas gracias!!
luis venancio
Calvin Pact 13 Final