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Main UPPERS freestyle football tournament 2023

World Professional Uppers Cup 15

Results of WPUC15:



Battle for 3rd place:


Final videos



Videos for the battle for 3rd place



Decision of the judges on final:


Финал за 3

Отличные видосы. Ожидания были ниже результата.

Трис – наконец-то много продуманных комбо) сразу видны сильные стороны, и меньше палится все остальное. Тема ортитов раскрыта. Плечи тоже хорошо приправили видео. Пару комбинаций в конце не понял – по материалу они базовые для тебя, при этом показывают ограниченность заготовок и ритма для таких длинных комбо) крутой видос, продолжай двигаться в направлении коротулек. Некоторые комбо из этого видоса можно развить, учитывая твой арсенал движений.

Rus-L – неожиданно. Весь сезон по ощущениям не особо складывался, и я на секунду подумал, что Трис может забрать третье место. Но нет. Руслан в лучшем виде. Такой видос вполне достоит и обычного финала. У вас с Трисом как по мне похожий флоу и темп – динамичная движуха в одну сторону с бэнгерами. У Триса это орбиты, у Руслана скорее плечи. Ну и в битве бэнгеров Руслан оказался жёстче, разнообразнее и интереснее. Плечи показал в нужном объёме и в куче вариантов. Ну и вдобавок длинные комбо у Руслана лучше работают – больше вариативности движений, ритма, меньше гонки за мячом, а больше контроля над построением комбо. Короче Руслан заслуженно забирает третье место, при очень хорошем видео Триса.



Congrats to both finalists. Both videos prove your positions in the final. Both delivered a set of difficult combinations, original decisions and variations.

As for me, Cess dominated this year again. His chest skills deliver huge difficulty along with originality because such level of control is relatively new and hasn’t yet been investigated in depth. Based on classical chest variations performed in both sides, this skill continues Vlad’s previous achievements. Next part of the video focused on stalls simply added variety and showed a great set of decisions in combining moves.

Tarasov did a great job too, and some of these words relate to his video as well. But compared to Cess this video lacked variety in combining difficult moves together. Yes, it gets better and better with every video, but still this component for me is a key to difficulty and balance in upper competitions. And that’s the component in which Cess has a big advantage at the moment.

So my vote goes to Cess.


Your stamina on chest tricks is impressive! Nose stall tricks seems to be executed well, though your control is a little bit shaky, nonetheless these tricks are really hard to make. Also liked 2rev trick at 1:20, looks clean to me. Speaking of your true shoulder stalls, I think you could execute them better if you place a ball a bit further from your head, it will look cleaner, but still it’s good to see you make them on both sides. Start of the combo at 2:43 could be done cleaner, though I still consider it as a really hard one. Combo at 2:55 is my favorite. Also I like how you implement rotations around yourself to both sides in your combos. Overall you made a Great job, you deserved this victory! Hope to see more of your uppers in the future.

2 Тарасов Дмитрий
Понравились все штуки, особенно последняя, все сделано чисто. Отличный уровень в столлах, думаю, еще успеешь показать класс в дальнейшем.

3 Rus-L
Хорошие тру-шолдеры, плавность стиля также радует глаз, разве что чест как будто без прогиба поясницы. Отличная база, но без особо сложных вещей и креатива (не считая монтаж 😊). Молодец, что продолжаешь развиваться, пора добавлять еще чего-нибудь в твой стиль.

4 Tris
Крут! Можно поработать над чистотой некоторых трюков. Судя по стилю, скорости, у тебя хороший потенциал. Пока, на мой взгляд, твой уровень еще пониже, чем у Руслана, но ты тоже хорошо себя показал, продолжай.

Daniel Atieh:

CÉSS4 vs. Tarasov: CÉSS4 wins

Tarasov showed good combos, but seems like he did not have the chance to record more clips. Anyway, you have better execution of tricks than your opponent, but CÉSS4 had an edge on the other aspects like for instance, variety, difficulty, and control.

I am also pleased to see CÉSS4 showing meaningful and planned combos with less mini-movements, which is an advancement from his previous videos. Also, the level of the combos is high, so well done.


Tris vs RuS-L: RuS-L wins

I would say Tris showed normal combos, with similar pattern of thinking throughout. In order to deliver stronger messages, you may need to utilize shorter combos, or even use pauses in the longer combos. Also, pay attention to the height of the ball above the head.

With regards to RuS-L, I would say interesting combos with good execution. However, at time 1:00, the nape stall to chest roll motion could be made smoother (maybe have more bending, and/or have faster movement). You could work on developing more complex and difficult combinations as well. Nonetheless, you have showed improvement in this aspect this time.


CÉSS4 (3) vs Tarasov (0)

Battle for 3rd place:
tris (0) vs Rus-L (3)

1/2 finals:


The winners of each battle will advance to the final of the tournament.
The losers will compete in a battle for 3rd place.

Videos for 1/2 finals





Decision of the judges on 1/2 finals:




Tarasov (Дмитрий)

Daniel Atieh:

CÉSS4 vs. Tris
I would select CÉSS4 here. Yes your combinations are difficult but could be made more interesting. I noticed a lot of small movements and another thing, adding small pauses in the long combos could be advantageous. Tris have generally good uppers, but the opponent performed better on multiple aspects, specially the difficulty. For your rolls clip, it would look better to show both sides control and also be careful for your second revolution in latm.

Tarasov vs. RuS-L
The true shoulder stall battle. Both videos were nice to watch, and I choose Tarasov as the winner here mainly because of doing more advanced combos with slightly more variety.

1/4 finals:

TarasovvsCarlos Alexis Navarro

The winners of each battle will advance to the semifinal of the tournament

Videos for 1/4 finals



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Carlos Alexis Navarro



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Decision of the judges on 1/4 finals:


Tarasov vs Carlos Alexis Navarro
Tarasov won. Basically same style of combos, but Tarasov made harder and more original variations and delivered a smoother execution.
Carlos – your video looked close to your maximum level. Good job. However, that affected your style in a bad way. Most movements looked bendy or shaky. Pay more attention to smoothness rather than speed. Shaky moves prevent you from stepping to the next level
Tarasov – видео кайф, много приколюх для этой стадии. Местами смущали фейсроллы в сложных переходах – были немного дубовые. Хотя местами были крутые мягкие и скользящие фейсроллы. Для более сложных баттлов это будет критично.

Degenq vs Tris
Сложный баттл. Трис претендует на более высокую сложность и разнообразие, но как будто весь видос из недоделанных комбарей. Оппонент пошёл по аккуратной стороне, с понятным фокусом на классике, но без изысков. Голосую за degenq – как по мне, такой подход более конкурентноспособен в следующей стадии. У Триса в большинстве моментов добавления сложности типа столлов не увидел контроля – либо это было проходящее движение, либо кадр обрезан. Без этого видос выглядит незаконченным, вложено недостаточно сил – комбо надо доделывать. Degenq не хватило разнообразия и оригинальности, но все задуманное сделано более менее качественно, а сильные стороны показаны лучше.



Daniel Atieh:

Tarasov (winner) vs. Carlos Alexis Navarro
I noticed clear improvement in your uppers, Carlos. That is one of the most important reasons to
participate in this tournament. The execution got better, and the combinations seems more
advanced than before. However, Tarasov had an overall higher level in this battle, particularly
with difficulty, execution, and control (a lot of movements were seen with Carlos).

degenq vs. tris (winner)
Both videos were generally good, but degenq could have shown more. Tris performed better in
developing more complex combinations, but you need to show more control with the stalls
done in the video, as you had cut those clips quickly.

Qualification videos

Carlos Alexis Navarro








Decision of the judges on qualification round:


1. Cess
2. Tarasov
3. Rus-L
4. degenq
5. Luis
6. Carlos Alexis Navarro
7. tris
8. Randel

Lack of individuality is the biggest issue.
Another one is focus on difficulty. If you prefer repeating someone else’s patterns in combos – well, then put more effort into the style. The same set of moves performed slowly and bendy isn’t the same thing like the one executed with fast or smooth style. That’s why i put degenq higher than Luis and Carlos Alexis Navarro, despite the content of the videos was pretty similar.


1. CÉSS4
2. Tarasov
3. RuS-L
4. degenq
5. tris
6. Luis
7. Carlos Alexis Navarro
8. Randel

Daniel Atieh:

  1. Randel

Basic combos. Pavel roll is slightly unclean, as the ball goes too back on the nape area. Keep developing your uppers and train both sides. Good luck.

  1. Luis

You have good nape and chest control. However, the combos are quite repetitive. You need to show variety and develop the right upper mentality.

  1. Carlos Alexis Navarro

Better showing of varied uppers. Improper execution in many clips, as the ball goes way too high above the head. Better control can be shown with low amplitude, and the head revolutions can be appreciated when the ball is low.

  1. Tris

I would say a good long combo. You were able to regain a structure for the combo after the pauses, which is good. Some bounces were too high, so be careful about that.

  1. Degenq

Good approach for your uppers.

Work on developing harder tricks and combinations.

  1. RuS-L

Cleanest work, although not the higher difficulty and complexity. I liked the last two combos.

  1. Tarasov

Tidy uppers. Good control with both sides as well. Some combos started to feel repetitive a bit, but in their concept I mean. For instance, I started to predict their ending and so on.

  1. CÉSS4

Higher level when it comes to difficulty, complexity, and variety. I could see some interesting, planned combos, but still the randomness feeling is there, along with many movements, and shakiness.

Results of the qualification round:

  1. CÉSS4 – 24
  2. Tarasov – 21
  3. RuS-L – 18
  4. degenq – 15
  5. tris – 10
  6. Luis – 9
  7. Carlos Alexis Navarro – 8
  8. Randel – 3




Daniel Atieh


1st place – Cup for 1st place
2nd place – Cup for 2nd place
3rd place – Cup for 3rd place



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  7. Tarasov 1/4 finals

  8. Carlos Alexis Navarro 1/4 finals

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